Why OFEP ?
OFEP as your partner of choice
Modern,long-term technologies and open sources oriented
OFEP creates solutions based on innovative technologies. Moreover, we always ensure that used components are durable. We privilege usage of OpenSources technologies and open standards because they allow to decrease total cost, reuse existing components without additional fee, give better integration opportunity and don’t lock customer to one vendor. However, you are always free to impose product or framework you prefer, we would adapt ourselves to your needs. partenaire.
Global vision
Each project needs a global view and analytic vision of its details Helicopter view of the task allows to set limits and context of a project. Detailed analysis is mandatory because details make all the difference and allow you to distinguish yourself from competitors. partenaire. A platform is a business model that creates value by facilitating exchanges between two or more interdependent groups, usually consumers and producers.
Using “best practices” in the industry
With our experience in multiple sectors and large deployments, we privilege usage of good practices (COBIT, ITIL, ISO27001) during design and implementation of projects. scalable networks of users and resources that can be accessed on demand.
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